Update 12/05/2014

Apologies for the delay since the last writing update. Between trips to London for training, a run and of course a Eurovision party, and a week in Finland - in case you missed it, here's the obligatory blog post - I don't seem to have been at home much. Still, all that time on trains, coaches and aeroplanes has worked out quite well for the writing. Chapter Twenty-One is three quarters done, and I quite like it.

Just four more left after this one, plus an epilogue. We're very much in the climax now. It's good to see everything coming together now - I'm looking forward to revealing the plot.

Not much else to report, so here's a picture of the mysterious bottle of ten year old beer that appeared in a cupboard in my garage. I have no recollection of having bought it or seen it previously. The only reasonable explanation is that this is a bottle of Jennic Ale somehow escaped from my book into the real world.  That said, it tasted extremely good. 
