1st Anniversary

I can hardly believe it, but today marks the first anniversary of The Two Empires' first publication on the Kindle store.

Since then it's been read by a lot of people, some friends and some strangers. That's been one of the strangest parts of the experience: this world and story that for so long was confined to my own mind has broken free to reach others, and those others have been able to tell me what they think. Feedback has been very positive, as have the reviews - check Amazon if you haven't already (and leave your own review while you're there!).

And of course in the course of the last year I have almost entirely written its sequel, The Devil's Gate. Since the last update I've finished editing Chapters Nineteen and Twenty, which leave just the final five to go. Will it be done by Christmas? I don't know. But if you've volunteered to be a test reader expect to have something early next year!

I know I'm slightly late for Thanksgiving, and in any case I'm not American, but this does seem like a good opportunity to say thank you. To everyone who has read the book, and those who have given feedback, left reviews, and given their encouragement. It all means an awful lot to me, seriously. 
